The Grove
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The Grove is open. We welcome you to a people and a place - a space to connect with nature, to ourselves and to each other. We are an emerging, startup collaboration of experienced innovators, intrapreneurs, organisational change agents, musicians, futurists, founders, leaders and practitioners. In the midst of collapsing systems we stand together for: - holding space for people to bring their pain, grief, hope and care - working in a way that honours power, love and nature in every part of life - practicing three-fold respect (self, others, earth) in all decision making - healing to integrate our dark and damaged parts - restoring balance in all living systems - cultivating our capacity to act as a collective in service of earth We invite you to step boldly, into the unknown, to be in practice for a new way of being, to map the path as we walk it. To find out more about The Grove or get involved email us at