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AusCam Freedom Project

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AusCam Freedom Project (AFP) is an Australian registered charity and International Non-profit tackling poverty, inequality and disrupting the chain supply for sex trafficking and labor exploitation by investing in a holistic Girls Education Program. AFP's mission is to empower adolescent girls from impoverished communities to break the cycle of poverty and exploitation through education and holistic support leading to life changing opportunities. Currently working with the urban poor communities of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, we provide education scholarships and a range of other programs, including life skills, digital Literacy, financial management, career counselling & mentoring and girl clubs within local government schools. Further to this we provide reproductive & sexual health workshops, training to parents on financial literacy, child protection and parenting and minor health support for our beneficiaries and their parents. Our current focus is on girls aged 12 – 18 years in grade 7 – 12 who without being involved in AFP's programs would more than likely have dropped out of school.