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Belinda Gatt
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Belinda is an Intuitive Interior Designer specialising in commercial design. She has spent more than 10 years designing physical spaces – homes, galleries, offices, educational facilities, and laboratories. Through her work, Belinda observed that the spaces we inhabit have a major impact on our wellbeing. She was increasingly attuned to how energy flows through space. Sound healing then emerged as a powerful response that brings calm for people in a stressful and chaotic world. Inspired, she began exploring ways to transform space at an energetic level. Studying practices used for thousands of years, and travelling to Peru, Morocco, and Japan. Bringing ancient knowledge to the modern world, Belinda creates clear and resonant spaces for living in alignment. She transforms how you feel with sound and vibration. Sound has the ability to cut through the overthinking mind and our limiting belief patterns. All of the artificial noise dissipates as you shift back into your body. With her gentle and calming energy, Belinda helps you reconnect with your purpose, and remember your ancient connections. Unwind and realise your true potential. Belinda facilitates sound healing journeys and sacred ceremonies in Sydney.