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Kirsten Morrison

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Kirsten Morrison is a Soul Purpose + Genius Activator and Empowerment Mentor. She supports women to clarify their soul path, feel confident in their innate gifts and have the trust + belief in THEIR unique way to amplify it into the world. Using a potent blend of Mentoring, Human Design + Breathwork/Embodiment, she guides women to feel safe to be fully seen and authentically expressed, feel empowered and deeply fulfilled along the way. She's a human sized permission slip and advocate for individuality, authenticity, self trust and empowerment. If you know a little about Human Design - she's also a 6/2 Emotional Manifestor with a gift of catalysing action in your world.

She's endlessly passionate about unlocking this music that’s already within you. Because she truly believes we are all here for a very specific and meaningful reason. She believes we have everything we will ever need encoded within us to do this. To not only get everything we came here to get, but to contribute as well. It's her belief life is meant to be rich, full of purpose and on our own terms. Kirsten believes we can have it all - and then some. She believes the more people living in alignment to their souls truth, the better this world will be. That the future we dream of, will be here now.

She believes your way is the only way and that you ARE the exception to the rule, because you're exceptional.

For more about Kirsten: or follow her on Instagram