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Mata Kali + Siddhi Shakti
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Mata Kali has been a provider of complimentary health for around 20 years. She facilitates regular meditations for the emergency services and the wider community. Mata Kali is a consciousness therapist who has studied remedial therapies, mantra, meditation, coaching, sound treatment and brain functions. She is driven to assist, support and uplift all who desire change and who are passionate about igniting their spirit in the cosmic game of life. Siddhi Śakti has trained as an energy and transformational therapist to assist clients in a deep and profound way, shifting blockages to wellbeing, self-worth, authenticity and empowerment. She has undertaken intensive studies in consciousness, mantra, sacred music and application of healing through sound. She is a certified yoga of sound teacher (Yoga Alliance). Both Siddhi Śakti and Mata Kali have received extensive training and initiation into Vedic mantra and ceremony to facilitate these sacred rituals.