Adelaide University Rotaract Club's logo

Adelaide University Rotaract Club

Adelaide University Rotaract Club's logo
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Volunteering💃Professional & Personal Development🌠FUN!🎉Friendship😎 We build leaders whilst giving back to the community. Join us today🌏 Rotaract is the youth division of Rotary International, available for individuals between 18 - 30. We are an international organisation that promotes goodwill and community service whilst helping our members realise their full potential as empowered leaders. Here at the Adelaide University Rotaract Club, we strive to build professional and personal development through access to volunteering opportunities, networking events and guest speaking engagements. Immerse yourself in the Rotaract experience and you'll be amazed at how far you'll go, the people you'll meet along the way while discovering what it means to be an effective leader.