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Hello There

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Hello There strengthens conscious communities “With the busy lives we lead and the online world of 24/7 accessibility, people are experiencing real disconnect from who they are and from the people around them. Hello There provides tailored solutions to suit people and their lifestyle or business needs. We’re living in an era where social media has given us the tools of connection but the reality is we are feeling more disconnected to ourselves and our communities than ever before. Hello There exists to inspire more conscious, community-based living! Our aim is to create a conscious community and strengthen personal connections through one-of-a-kind experiences. It’s about bringing like-minded people together to learn new skills, inspire new ways of being and to experience the joys of true connection in a party environment that is fuelled by curiosity and natural highs (not drugs and alcohol). Because small changes can make a big difference and life is better when we do it together.” Carly Faragher, Hello There, Founder & Head Community Leader