Circles for the Sensitive - Kristyn Haywood's logo

Circles for the Sensitive - Kristyn Haywood

Circles for the Sensitive - Kristyn Haywood's logo
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I'm the founder of Circles for the Sensitive. I’m a mum, a business owner, a leadership educator and an explorer. I’m an experienced facilitator and accredited in many personality tools that I want to share with my community. Importantly, I am learning to be an empowered empath. I’ve found ways to embrace my sensitive side and protect its softness from toxicity. I’m always exploring, learning, reading about how to keep evolving emotionally, physically and spiritually so that I can leave a lasting legacy on the earth, long after my passing. The idea for ‘Circles for the Sensitive’ came to me during a period of deep, honest and at times painful reflection. I need a community of sensitive folk to support and be supported by. This is my passion project and I’d love it to be yours too.