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Dr Suzanne Moss

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An award winning painter, Suzanne graduated from The Australian National University School of Art with The University Medal for her humanitarian Honours Project Love in the Violent Day. Her doctorate Painting Light, Touching Space followed her intrigue with luminosity inspired by the question 'what might love look like?' Informed by nature, interiors and abstract painters, she created luminous abstract paintings with a meditative intent using diagrams, colour pencil and paint on fine linen. Exhibited widely in Australia, collected internationally and selected for The 59th Blake Prize, Suzanne has been artist in residence at Hill End, in Tuscany, Italy, and Berkeley, California. A Transformational Coach and mentor for art students and teacher of painters since 2006, she has presented unique mindful art courses in Australia, Italy and Germany. Suzanne’s mission is to create contemplative spaces for positive change with paintings, transformational coaching and nurturing creative expression.