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Sonia Brown

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After many years of Teaching Outdoor Recreation to school children Sonia stumbled upon a ZenThai Shiatsu workshop and met her teacher the founder of ZenThai Gwyn Williams on the Sunshine Coast in 2011. Since then the Sunshine Coast has become Sonias second home as she often makes the pilgrimage by train to reconnect with the teachings and essence of ZenThai. In 2014 she began teaching workshops and yoga and continues to share to support others to learn, connect and offer this work which is not confined to the mat, this work radiates into our lives, actions, thoughts and words. Sonia is passionate about ZenThai for its ability to assist people in: - realising their true potential, - letting go of conditioning, tension and stories - becoming more aligned to their values - increasing their confidence - experiencing more happiness and freedom. Sonia's main offering is ZenThai Shiatsu Bodywork. Her passion project is teaching the ZenThai Level One 4 day trainings and to that, brings her unique background in Yoga, Functional movement, Dance, and Nature Connection.