
Event: Summer Wild by Nature Village Camp 2020

General information

Travel instructions

The closest public transport is Gembrook bus stop, which links up to the Belgrave train line. We could organise a pick up from the bus if needed. The Scout camp is a 1-2 hr drive from Melbourne, we encourage carpooling via our Facebook event.

Entry instructions

Enter the Gilwell Park Scout Camp via Gate 4, there will be signs and people to welcome you on your arrival.

After entry instructions

There will be volunteers and crew to welcome you and help you set up your camp and a registration table to register at when you are ready.


Uneven ground and trip hazards, slope between camping areas and gathering areas.

Toilet location

There is one accessible and un-gendered toilet at Gilwell Park. In between the Womens and Mens toilets near the Storm Hut, to the Left on your entry

Accessible parking

There are accessible parking options near the storm hut and camping areas