
Event: What Involving People in Medical Research & Clinical Trials Can Look Like? - Melbourne 21Nov19

General information

Contact name

Janelle Bowden

Contact number

0406 952 659

Travel instructions

Details are on the venue website:

Entry instructions

Visit the front desk upon arrival, and they will provide directions to the room. Disabled persons access: There are three disabled access points into 600 Bourke Street. The lower retail level off Bourke Street gives access to the low floors of the tower (via lifts). From the Entrance Foyer in Bourke Street, access is provided to the medium, high and sky rise floors (via lifts), the car park levels (via lifts) and the Upper Retail Plaza.

Toilet location

The venue has advised there are accessible toilets on the level of the meeting room. We will provide instructions on the day, if not obvious where these are.

Accessible parking

The venue advises parking is located nearby to Bourke Place: Paid parking is available via Merritt’s Place Car Park located at 558 Little Bourke St. Parking is available 24/7.